We Will Serve the Lord

What a grand blessing this morning’s Black History Program was!!!! Beautiful sounds from the Shining Stars and All Male chorus filled the sanctuary, and the congregation was deeply touched by words from Dr. Eula Miller, Jr, retired former pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church. A powerful example of God’s grace and healing power himself, Dr. Miller reminded us how God has brought us from the back door to the front door, from the back seat to the front seat, and from the cotton fields to the White House! Hmmmmm… “As for me and my House, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:14-15). It’s not too late to get a CD or DVD of the service, please contact Bro. Nathaniel Sarratt or one of the Audio/Video team members to get a copy today.
Some of the announcements if you missed them:
- There will be a Healthy Heart Night seminar and activities at Bethel Baptist Church Dining Hall, Feb 25th at 6:30pm.
- The Cherokee County Branch of the NAACP invites everyone to their Black History Program & Country Supper at Bethel Baptist Church on Feb 28th at 7pm.
- Shining Stars Choir Rehearsal will meet Saturday, Mar 2nd at 11am.
- Mass Choir Rehearsal will be held this Saturday, Mar 2nd at 1:30pm.
- The Shining Stars Anniversary Program will be Sunday March 3rd at 3:00pm.
- TMBA Revival Week March 9th-13th (All services held at Concord Baptist Church):
- March 9th at 9:00am – Kickoff Revival Week Breakfast
- March 10th at 5:00pm – TMBA Youth Explosion – Speaker: Dr. Phillip Baldwin, Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Simpsonville, SC.
- TMBA Junior Missionary Choir will sing for this night. All wishing to participate should come to the upcoming rehearsals scheduled for Sat. March 2nd at 11am at Limestone Baptist Church and Sat. March 9th at 11am at Concord Baptist Church.
- March 11th – 13th at 7:00pm nightly – Revival – Speaker: Rev. Jasper William of New Salem Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA
- 4th Annual ‘Relay for Life’ Gospel Concert Sponsored by Mikes Creek Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. Courtney Mills, Pastor will be March 16th at 5pm. Various groups and choirs will be performing. All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society.
- The church family is invited to Holy Trinity Righteous Church of God for their 76th Anniversary on March 17th at 3:0pm. Pastor Bridges will deliver the spoken word.
- The church family is invited to Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, Union, SC for Rev. Reginald Littlejohn’s 1st pastoral anniversary on March 24th. Pastor Bridges will deliver the spoken word.
Please remember to pray for our sick and shut-ins.
We pray everyone has a blessed week and that we see you next Sunday!