Look to the Light
The anointing was truly on Concord this morning and again this afternoon! We thank God for all of the choirs and the Praise team as they invigorated and reminded us about the reason for this holiday season. We thank Him for an awesome Pastor and Associate Ministers to feed us with His word! Pastor Bridges encouraged us to head toward the light when we find ourselves in dark tunnels in life in the sermon “Putting Your Light in the Right Place” (Matthew 4:12-16). Even in our lowest days, Jesus said He is with us ALWAYS! We just need to humble ourselves and make our way toward Him! Glory hallelujah! This afternoon, Minister Loretta Holmes followed with the good news that “It’s time for a Breakthrough” (Acts 16:21-30)! Just continue to pray, praise, and do what He wants you to do and He will bring you out of the darkness! It’s not too late to get a CD or DVD of either of the services, please contact Bro. Nathaniel Sarratt or one of the Audio/Video team members to get your copy today. If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us next Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
Some of the announcements from this morning if you missed them:
- This afternoon at 3pm, our very own Loretta Holmes will deliver her initial sermon. Please continue to pray for her as she moves forward in her calling.
- The Concord Men’s Basketball team won last week. They will play again this Tuesday & Thursday at 5:30pm at Your Best Body in Gaffney. Please come out and support the team!
- The Cherokee Baptist Church Men’s Basketball league is starting up in January. Concord will sponsor two teams this year. A sign up sheet is in the lobby. Contact Bro. Earl Vernon for more info.
- Annual Senior Citizens Christmas Dinner – Friday Dec 13th at 6:30PM – Ebenezer Baptist Church
All Senior Citizens age 62 and older from North and South Carolinas are invited and gifts will be given to all Seniors who attend. - The Shining Stars will have a rehearsal on Saturday December 14th at 12 Noon.
- The Audio Video team will meet briefly next Sunday immediately following morning worship. We will hold an election of officers and new members are welcomed to join.
- Concord Baptist Church Annual Christmas Program will be Sunday December 22nd directly after morning worship. Anyone wishing to participate in the service, please see Sis. Annette Smith or Sis. Stephanie Tate
- Sunday, December 29th is Youth Sunday. The Youth will be in charge of morning worship. Anyone wishing to participate in the service, please see Sis. Stephanie Tate or Sis. Annette Smith.
- There will be a trip to go see the Honda Battle of the Bands on January 25th at the Georgia Dome. Doors open at 2:00 & the show starts promptly at 3:00pm. There will be a sign up sheet in the lobby. Please sign up asap. Seats will be on a first come first serve basis. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. See Bro. Johnny Sarratt or Sis. Debra Johnson for more info.
- Galilee Baptist church is taking up coats (new and in good condition) and blankets for the Homeless and those in need. If you would like to donate a blanket or coat please see Mae Smith. They will be given out December 21st.
- WGFN 1180 Our Spiritual Friend is sponsoring a toy drive for Christmas. If you would like to donate a toy, contact the radio station.
- Please get all announcements to Jackie Vanlue or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address staff@cbcgaffney.org.
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!