Not just on Sunday…
“Oh daily I shall worship Thee, oh Lamb of God Who died for me, Who extendeth endless mercies, daily, daily, I shall worship Thee!!!” What a magnificent time this morning, spent honoring and glorifying our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Pastor Bridges reminded us that “Working in the Garden” (Matthew 26:36-46) can be tough, but our biggest blessings often come at the bottom and it’s so much harder for people to push you over if we are down on our knees. Stay prayerful and encouraged, the victory is already His and ours! It’s not too late to get a CD or DVD of either of the services, please contact Bro. Nathaniel Sarratt or one of the Audio/Video team members to get your copy today. If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us next Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
Some of the announcements from this morning if you missed them:
- There will Bible Study this Wednesday morning. Instead of evening Bible Study, we invite you to join us for the Youth Revival this week.
- Sign up sheets for the GBO sponsored basketball teams are in the lobby. Please turn in the registration form to Bros. J.J. Sarratt or Courtney Dawkins by the 4th Sunday in April. Thank you!
- The Youth Revival is during Spring Break, April 14th – 16th at 7:00pm each night. The guest speakers will be:
- Mon., April 14 – Dr. Kevin Russell Shepherd, Mt. Rowell Baptist Church, Union, SC
- Tue., April 15 – Dr. J.W. Sanders, Jr., Bethel Baptist Church, Gaffney,SC
- Wed., April 16 – Rev. Milton Edwards, Fairview CME Church, Chesnee, SC
- Any youth interested in participating in the Youth Revival programs, please see Minister Mintz or Shari Byers.
- The Family Fun Day will be held on April 19th from 12noon – 4pm here in the Family Life Center. There will be a bounce house, slide, train ride, basketball games and food. A sign up sheet is in the lobby if you would like to participate in the basketball games. Let’s come out for good food, fun and fellowship! For questions or to volunteer please see Minister Verlinda Mintz, Sis. Stephanie Tate or Bro. Johnny Sarratt.
- The TMBA Sunday School Congress invite our high school seniors to turn in their application for the Graduates Banquet by April 25th.
- The TMBA YWAs will present it’s Bi-Annual Program and Prince and Princess Pageant at 4:00 PM on Saturday, April 26 at the Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church. Rev. C.A. Wallace will bring the Spoken Word for the occasion.
- April 28th through May 2nd at 6pm nightly – the TMBA Sunday School Congress Training session will be held at Bethel Baptist Church.
- The TMBA YWAs also invite everyone to join us on Friday, May 9th from 7:00pm – 1:00am for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Walk on the Timken track.
- Please get all announcements to Jackie Vanlue or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!