Honoring Fathers
What an awesome job the many father’s of the church did leading worship service this morning! What a powerful and blessed time we had! Pastor Bridges encouraged us to seek God and to build our families on Godly principles in his message this morning, “Getting to Know Your Heavenly Father” (John 15:17-23). No matter where you are in life, it’s not too late to start from there in building your relationship with Him. Even as we make mistakes, God can still make some good come out of it. You will see as you grow how your blessings will increase and multiply. Thank you to everyone who participated on the program, the All Male Choir, and our guests, the New Telenaires. A special thank you to all the men (and women) who surprised us with some good ol’ BBQ, fish and hot dog plates after church. First our souls were fed and then our stomachs! It gets no better than that! It’s not too late to get a CD or DVD of either of the services, please contact Bro. Nathaniel Sarratt or one of the Audio/Video team members to get your copy today. If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us next Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
Some of the announcements from this morning if you missed them:
- The Senior Missionary will meet at the home of Sis Lillie Jones this Tuesday at 3pm. Sis Lillie Jones, President
- You ages 3 and up are invited out on Wednesdays from 5:00 – 6:30 for the Know2 Reading program. It is free to attend and all of the kids receive free books to take home each week. Please see Minister Loretta Holmes if you are interested in volunteering.
- June 9th – July 25th, Concord will host it’s annual Summer Youth Camp. Hours will be from 7am to 5pm each day. More info forth coming.
- All are invited to come out and support Deacon James Sarratt Jr. as he will be preaching his initial sermon on June 22, 2014, at 3 p.m. at the Mikes Creek Missionary Baptist Church.
- June 22nd, the church family is invited to Montgomery Baptist Church, Pacolet, SC for their church anniversary. Rev. Bridges will be bringing the Spoken Word for this event.
- June 29th will be Youth Sunday. Anyone interested in participating on the program, please see Sis. Stephanie Tate or Sis. Annette Smith.
- The Annual Singing Convention will also be held the 5th Sunday in June at 2pm here at the Concord Baptist Church.
- Please get all announcements to Jackie Vanlue or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address staff@cbcgaffney.org.
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!