Know the Lord
We had a “good time” this morning! God has done something for each of us and we ought to turn around and tell somebody! How can you possibly keep it to yourself? This morning Pastor Bridges asked,”Do You Know the Lord?” (Isaiah 1:1-3) With all the information that is abundantly available today online, on tv, on the radio… everywhere, we are constantly filled with facts and fiction. What is most important and is all that truly matters is, do you know God? Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior? Do you have a relationship with Him? Only you know the answer to these questions, don’t wait… you may wait until it is too late! We extend our sincere appreciation to the Gaffney High School Girls Volleyball team for coming to worship with us this morning. May God bless, protect and keep you all in your upcoming school year academically, physically in all of your sporting actives, and spiritually. If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
The announcements for today if you missed them:
- No morning or evening Bible Study this month. All are encouraged to have devotion at home and attend any of the many revivals in the community this month.
- The following choirs are asked to attend the following Community Revivals for this week:
- Hopewell – Sr. Choir
- Island Creek –Mass Choir
- Mt. Zion —- Male Choir
- 5th Sunday – August 30th – is Youth Sunday. Our own Minister Terrance Gist will deliver the morning message. Anyone interested in participating on the program please see Sis. Annette Smith or Sis. Stephanie Tate.
- The Senior Ushers will meet next Sunday, August 30th, after morning worship in room 202. New members welcome. Boyce Harris, President
- Hopewell Presbyterian Church invites everyone out to their Revival, Monday Aug 24th – 26th at 7pm nightly. Rev. M. Lamont Littlejohn, Jr, pastor of the Mt. Calvary Baptist Church of Shelby will be the evangelist for the week.
- Island Creek Baptist Church invites everyone out to their Revival Services August 23- 26th.
Evangelists for the occasion are: On Sunday at 3pm – Rev. William E Staley of Jones Temple AME Zion Church of Waynesville, NC; Monday at 7pm – Rev. James Patton, Jr. White Plains Baptist Church; Tuesday at 7pm – Rev. Clifton Harris, Bunton CME Church; and Wednesday at 7pm – Rev. Michael Golden, Limestone Baptist Church. - Dr. Bridges will be a guest speaker at Holy Trinity Righteous Church of God of Gaffney, SC for their pastor’s 6th anniversary celebration on Saturday, September 12th at 5:00pm. All are invited out to join in this great occasion.
Please get all announcements to Jackie Vanlue or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!