A New Way to Fight
We are praising our way through all that life has to throw our way! What an awesome God we serve! Thank God for the assurance that He has saved us and we have some place to lay our head! What a blessed rest in Him! This morning Pastor Bridges talk about “A New Way to Fight” (1 Timothy 6:3-12). As we try to live better for Christ every day, we may run up against people who won’t like us any more for it. Obstacles will come up in our way, but we don’t have to fight with our fists anymore. Armor up with a balanced diet of the Word of God and you will be equipped for the spiritual battles ahead! Trust Jesus, if you make the first step… He will do the rest! If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
The announcements for today if you missed them:
- There will be no Wednesday morning or evening Bible Study this week due to the Veterans Day holiday. To all veterans, we say thank you for your service!
- The Shining Stars will practice Saturday, November 21st at 12 Noon. The advisors.
- Our own Reverend Angelia Early will deliver the Spoken Word at Mikes Creek Missionary Baptist Church for their Women’s Conference scheduled for Saturday, November 14th at 10am. Other speakers include: Rev. Mardestine Manning, Min. Lisa McCleave, min. Sara ellis, Min. Lisa woods and Sis. Reschelle Means. There is no registration fee. the theme is “BeYOUtiful (Created in God’s Image)” Genesis 1:27.
- All are invited to Foster’s Chapel Baptist Church of Jonesville, SC for their Red & Black Fall Program. Sunday, Nov 15th at 2pm. Women are asked to wear Red and Men are asked to wear black. Dr. Earnest Jefferies of Gethsemane Baptist Church of Lake Norman/Davidson, NC will deliver the message.
- There will be a Free Senior Citizens Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner on November 14th from 12noon – 2pm at the Beltline Apartments Cafeteria. For Seniors 62 and over. To Go plates will not be available until 2:15pm. This is sponsored by the Giving Back Organization, please see Bro. Johnny Sarratt for more info.
- All seniors age 65+ are encouraged to attend a FREE Resource Fair at Bethel Baptist Church on Wed., Nov 18th from 10:30am – 1pm. There are some new insurance plans available for next year for Medicare/Medicaid recipients and there will be experts available to help with your enrollment for this open season registration period. There will be refreshments and door prizes given. Contact Ms. Terri Williams at (864) 425-2040 or the main office at (803) 461-3201 to register for or ask questions about the event. www.holdoutthelifeline.org
- Concord’s annual Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner will be Wednesday, November 18th. We will have a very special guest, Minister Vince Tharpe of Blacksburg. Dinner is free.
- Greater Hope Ministries invites everyone out to their 2nd Annual Women’s Conference. November 20th – 22nd. The theme is “Masterpiece”. Friday’s service is at 7pm with Min. Samantha Dowdy, Pastor of Higher Dimensions in Pageland, SC bringing the word. (Men are welcome.) Saturday morning the sessions will begin at 10am featuring Minister Faith Davis, Assoc. Min. of Calvary Christian Fellowship in Charlotte, NC and Min. Anita Sullivan, Assoc. Min. of Piney Grove Baptist Church, Cowpens, SC (Ladies only please). The weekend concludes on Sunday morning with Pastor Caroline Allen Jones bringing the morning message.
- We will celebrate our 143rd Church Anniversary on Sunday, November 22nd during morning worship. If anyone has pictures of the following past members, please send them to Sis. Jackie Bridges by Sunday, Nov 15th: Leon Hardy, Sr., Nancy Watkin, Wade Tate, Susie Camp, J,C, Manning, Cleo Crosby, or Gilbert Smith Sr. Also, a gentle reminder that we will not do announcements on that Sunday, so please get your announcements for the week of the 22nd in by this Wednesday to be announced on Sunday, Nov 15th.
- November 29th is Youth Sunday. Please see Sis. Annette Smith or Sis. Stephanie Tate if you would like to participate on the program.
Please get all announcements to Jackie Vanlue or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address staff@cbcgaffney.org.
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!