He Came to Earth to Save Me!
We are at war and He will work it out! Our praise is the strongest weapon in our arsenal and we are not afraid to use it! We will praise the Lord! Pastor Bridges reminded us God was so committed to working it out for us that “He Came to Earth to Save Me” (1 Timothy 1:8-15). No matter what you have done in the past or what people say about you, move forward! It doesn’t matter. Let Jesus Christ do a wonderful work through you today and everyday going forward and see what it is like to live in the joy of the Lord! Only what you do for Him will last anyway! If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
The announcements for today if you missed them:
- The Senior Gospel Choir will rehearse this Thursday at 5:30pm
- The Shining Stars will rehearse this Saturday at 12 noon
- The health and safety committee will meet Sunday, December 13th after morning worship service. We will be electing officers and new members are welcome.
- On December 13th at 5 pm – The church family is invited to Enoree Fork Baptist Church of Greer, SC for their Christmas Candlelight Communion. Dr. Bridges will preach the spoken word and the mass choir will render songs of praise.
- 1180 WFGN’s annual Christmas Toy drive is under way. Please donate a $5 29 Piece tea Set or Car from Family Dollar to the radio station at 470 Leadmine Road in Gaffney by December 14, 2015. $5 donations accepted too and they will do the shopping for you. Benefitting the Gaffney Head start Program. Contact Rev. Anitonette Gardner for info
- The annual Christmas program will be Sunday, December 20th directly after morning worship service. Please see Sis. Annette Smith if you would like to be on the program.
- Trustee J.J. Sarratt will preach his initial sermon on Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 3pm here at Concord Baptist Church. Please keep him lifted up in prayer and come out and support this man of God.
Please get all announcements to Jackie Vanlue or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address staff@cbcgaffney.org.
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!