So glad to see you!
On this Palm Sunday, we celebrate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ even more as we honor Him this blessed week leading up to His greatest gift to mankind. “We are so glad to see you” (Mark 11:6-12) was the message delivered through Pastor Bridges. For so much of Jesus’ ministry on earth, we see the disciples following after Him and His teaching them the way so they can carry on after He was gone. In this passage, they went ahead of Him making a way for Him to enter in to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. We too claim to be Christians, followers of Christ, but for how long will we continue to be complacent with just following and living each day like the last? When will we stop worrying about what others say about us? When will we stop worrying about who doesn’t like us? When will each of us be ready to fulfill the Great Commission and use the talents that God gave us for His glory? When will we be willing to go ahead of Him and initiate a way for Christ to touch the hearts of our friends, our family, our neighbors, and even our enemies? If you haven’t already, consider starting today. Invite someone to church for Easter Sunday and share the greatest gift we have ever received. If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
The announcements for today if you missed them:
- All are invited to Mikes Creek Baptist Church this afternoon at 3pm. Our very own, Rev. Angelia Early, will be delivering the afternoon message.
- The Senior Missionary will meet at Sis. Inez Dawkins home on Tuesday, March 22 at 3pm. Sis, Lillie Jones, President
- The YWAs will meet Saturday at 11am. New Members Welcome. Sis. Felicia Galmer, President
- GBO Spring/Summer Basketball & Cheerleading sign up is underway. Registration is Free. Sign up forms are in the Lobby. Give forms to Johnny Sarratt, Elvis Johnson or Torshia Tate.
- The Junior Missionary will meet this Saturday at 11am in the Family Life Center. The Advisors.
- The Shining Stars will practice Saturday at 12noon. Please be present and on time. The Advisors.
- All are invited out to Holy Trinity Righteous Church of God this afternoon for their 79th Church Anniversary. Bishop Perry Davidson is bringing the afternoon message. Also, on Friday, March 25th at 6pm they will hold a Good Friday Program – “7 Sayings from the Cross.” There are some dynamic speakers scheduled for this event.
- You are cordially invited to Good Friday service at White Plains Baptist Church. The theme for the program is “The 7 Last Words of Jesus.” The program will be held on Friday, March 25th at 6pm. Our very own, Minister Loretta Holmes, will speak on the 7th last word: “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” Rev. James Patton Jr. is pastor.
- Concord’s Youth Revival will be held the week of spring break, April 4th & 5th. On Monday, Minister Nancy Sanders of New Hope Baptist Church, Simpsonville, SC along with their youth choir and congregation will be our special guests. On Tuesday, Rev. Michael Golden of Limestone Missionary Baptist Church, Gaffney, SC along with their youth choir and congregation will be our special guests. All youth are encouraged to attend. Adults, Pleas come out and support our youth. Any youth desiring to be on the program, please see Min. Verlinda Mintz or Sis. Stephanie Tate.
- Pastor James Ponder and the Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church invites you to attend a 5 night mountain top experience filled with fervent word, songs and fellowship. April 4-8, 2016 at 7pm nightly at the TMBA building in Gaffney. Speakers include: Monday, Rev. Tony Macomson; Tuesday, Dr. C. Dennis Rector; Wednesday, our own Dr. Michael A Bridges with the male choir rendering songs of praise; Thursday, Rev. Michael Golden; and concluding on Friday, Rev. C.A. Wallace. Come join us in lifting up the name of Jesus.
- Saturday, April 9th – 10am – 1pm – TMBA/Limestone Football Youth Field Day. The youth will get to watch a football scrimmage, there will be a youth rally from 11-12 and a lacrosse game from 12-1. There will be free lunch provided and there will be special gifts for pre-registered youth. See Sis. Kathy Littlejohn or Jackie Bridges if you haven’t already signed up to go.
- On Sunday, April 10th, the church family is invited to Triumph Christian Center in Newport News, VA to help celebrate their church anniversary. We are planning to go for an overnight trip, leaving on the 9th and returning the afternoon of the 10th. In order to provide enough hotel rooms and arrange transportation, all who would like to go are asked to please contact Bro. Nate Sarratt as soon as possible, but no later than Sunday, March 27th.
- Thursday, April 14th – The church family is invited to Jerusalem Christian Center to help celebrate Bishop McCluney’s 25th Pastoral Anniversary. The Sr. Gospel Choir will render songs of praise.
- The Junior Missionary is sponsoring a trip to Daytona Beach / Holy Land Experience in Orlando, August 4th – 6th. All deposits are due by March 27th if you have signed up to go. Please see Sis. Kathy Littlejohn or Sis. Jackie Bridges after church services in the lobby for questions or to pay for your trip.
Please get all announcements to Jackie Sims or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!