I’m Just Trying to Please God
What a day! Oh what a day! Lord, just show us the way! Pastor Bridges shared a Word in “I’m Just Trying to Please God” (Proverbs 16:1-7). God made everything for Him, including us. Everything belongs to him. As we live, we can get distracted and off track by trying to please people around us when they don’t have the power to do anything for you without God. Be careful not to get sucked in to the grips of parasites around you, and strive to be more like the Levites in serving God by taking care of what is His – His people and His world. When you work to please God, He will take care of you and handle anyone who rises up against you. Who are you really trying to please? If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
The announcements for this week:
- The Senior Gospel Choir will rehearse this Thursday at 5:30pm. Sis. Millie Vanlue, Pres.
- Youth Revival will be April 3rd and 4th at 7pm Nightly. On Monday, Rev. Les Davis will bring the word. On Tuesday night, Rev. Timothy L. Hunter will preach. Everyone is encouraged to come out!
- Anointed Academy Spring Break Celebration will be Wednesday, April 5, 2017. From 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM in the Family Life Center. All youth ages 5 and up are invited out for a day filled with fun, special guest speakers, and food. ——–>YOU DON’T WANT TO MISSED THIS<———This event is totally free. Please sign up on the list in the lobby.
- The church family is invited to Chestnut AME Zion Church who will have their Choir Anniversary, Sunday, April 9th. Pastor Bridges will preach the Word. The All Male Choir will render songs of praise.
- Maple Springs Baptist Church invites everyone to Rev. Robert Dover Pastoral Anniversary
Sunday, April 23rd – Pastor Bridges will preach the Word. The Mass Choir will render songs of praise. - Philadelphia Baptist Church invites everyone to their Revival Services Monday, April 24th at 7:00 PM. Pastor Bridges will preach the Word.
- The 5th Sunday in April is Youth Sunday. All youth are asked to please contact Sis. Annette Smith or Min. Stephanie Tate if you would like to participate on the program. Min. Tate will deliver the morning message.
- The Junior Missionary will be going to JoyFest at Carowinds on Saturday, May 27th. Anyone interested in taking advantage of the group rate of $34 to get your tickets, please see sign up in the lobby or see one of the Junior Missionary Advisors. Ticket price does include admittance into the park. We must have your payment by April 23rd. Thank you.
- The Junior Missionary will be repeating their Back-to-School outreach for those in need in our community this August. We appreciate any gently used or new clothing donations be dropped off in any of the collection boxes in the lobby. Thank you for your support! The advisors.
- Anointed Academy Summer Camp will be open Monday, June 5— Friday July 28, 2017. Please sign up early to reserve your spot! If you wish to pre-pay pleas see Mrs. Kesha (864.838.1622 or KESHA72@CHARTER.NET)
- Please get all announcements to Jackie Sims or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address staff@cbcgaffney.org.
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!