Stay Focused on the Saviour
Just as we have good times, bad times will come; for celebration, there will be sorrow; for peace, there will be tribulation. But our God sits high and is omnipotent! When we are weak, he will make us strong! Don’t let the weather determine whether you serve and praise the Lord. Don’t make excuses! Stay focused on Him and keep on going! Matthew 14:22-30
For CDs or DVDs call Nathaniel Sarratt at (864) 490-2352. Have a great week!!
The announcements for this week:
- The Hospitality Committee will meet after morning worship next Sunday, July 21st. Sis. Annette Smith, President.
- One of our very own, Rev. J J Sarratt and New Prospect Baptist Church are celebrating his 2nd pastoral anniversary this afternoon at
2pm. All are invited to join us this afternoon to celebrate with them. - Clinton Chapel AME Zion Church in York, SC is having revival July 22-24 at
7pm Nightly. Rev. Rick Woods is the pastor. Dr. Bridges will be the revivalist. - Ramseur Baptist Church, Cherryville, NC will hold their Homecoming service on Sunday, July 28th at
3pm . Rev. McElhaney is the pastor. Dr. Bridges will be the guest messenger for this special occasion. - Concord’s Annual Women’s Day service will be held during morning worship on Sunday, July 28th. The women will be in charge of morning worship.
- Tuesday, July 30th – Dr. Bridges will preach revival service at Maple Springs Baptist Church in Shelby, NC.
- Saturday, August 17th – the Junior Missionary will hold their annual Back-to-School program at Limestone Court. Any donations are welcome.
Please get all announcements to Jackie Sims or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!