Keep on Running!
No words seem adequate enough to express the blessing of God’s presence and praises that went up this morning! To God be ALL the glory! Times might be changing but the message is still clear! For the rest of our lives we’ll serve Him! Concord is running this race together on the same team and we don’t want anyone left behind! Pastor Bridges encouraged us, letting us know that “Your Running is Not in Vain” (Philippians 2:12-16) Keep on running Concord family & friends! Keep on running! It’s not too late to get a CD or DVD of either of the services, please contact Bro. Nathaniel Sarratt or one of the Audio/Video team members to get your copy today. If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
The announcements from this morning in case you missed them:
- Thank you to everyone for your donations for Outreach for Haiti! May God bless you abundantly!
- The Senior Missionary will meet at Sis. Lillie Jones Home this Tuesday, Nov 18th at 3:00pm
- The Ministerial Alliance and Neighborhood Alliance are holding a meeting at the Gaffney Middle School Cafeteria on Tuesday, Nov 18th from 6p – 8p. The theme is “One team, One Dream”. Highlights of the evening include: FREE Spaghetti Supper, Performance by GMS Chorus Students, Community Meeting / Small Group Discussions, FREE Door Prizes, Event Focus: How do WE work together to ensure the success of ALL of our students?
- The Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner will be held on Wednesday, November 19th at 6:00pm. The Guest speaker will be Rev. William Wiggins, Pastor of Holden Chapel Baptist Church.
- The Senior Gospel Choir will rehearse this Thursday at 5:30 pm.
- The Shining Stars will rehearse Saturday, November 22nd at 12 noon. Please be present and on time. The Advisors.
- On November 22nd at 7pm, the stage play “A Past and Present Slave” will be at the Chapman Cultural Center in Spartanburg. All are encouraged to come out and support this group of talented young people. The doors open at 6:00 pm and will close promptly at 7pm; so get there early. Late arrivals will not be able to enter the auditorium until after the 2nd act per Chapman Cultural Center policy. More information available at
- On November 23rd we will celebrate our 142nd Church Anniversary.
- All are invited to the New Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church Deacon Ordination Service for Bro. Corey Dewayne Haney on Sunday, November 23rd at 2:00 pm.
- The Health & Safety Committee will meet Saturday, November 29th at 9 am.
- The 5th Sunday, November 30th, is Youth Sunday. The youth will be in charge of morning worship. Please see Sis. Stephanie Tate or Sis. Annette Smith if you want to participate on the program.
- The Senior Missionary Annual Family Day will be on December 7th at 3pm. Rev. Michael Golden, Pastor of the Limestone Missionary Baptist Church will bring the Spoken Word.
- The Honda Battle of the Bands will be Jan 24th 2015 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. There is a sign up sheet in the lobby. The tickets are $15 for the show and costs for transportation is still pending. Last day to sign up and pay will be the 5th Sunday. Please see Sis. Debra Johnson or Bro. Johnny Sarratt.
- Please get all announcements to Jackie Vanlue or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!