God Is Love!
James and Florida Evans
George and Weezy Jefferson
Lucious and Cookie Lyons
Romeo and Juliet
Samson and Delilah
You and Yours
Out of all the lovers in the world, Adam and Eve were the first human love story.
But of all Adam’s responsibilities in Eden, he made Eve a priority. Is your spouse a priority in the way God intended marriage to be when he brought Eve to Adam? I hope you read this passage of scripture and know the greatest love is God giving Jesus to die for our sins. While we were yet sinners, he died for the ungodly. God also raised HIM from the dead.
God is Love! Happy Valentines Day!!
We welcome you to join us for morning worship next Sunday at 10am. For CDs or DVDs call Nathaniel Sarratt at (864) 490-2352. Have a great week!!
Announcements for this week:
- The Shining Stars will practice every Saturday in February at 11am in preparation for their upcoming anniversary.
- The Shining Stars will go to Limestone Baptist Church for their Youth choir anniversary. Please meet at Limestone at 2:30pm.
- The TMBA Brotherhood will meet Saturday, Feb 15th at 9am at the Association Building. See Deacon Jackie Leach for questions.
- Junior Missionary will meet Saturday, Feb 15th at 12:30pm after Shining Stars rehearsal. New members welcome. Please let an advisor know if you need transportation.
- All are invited to True Holiness for their Women in Red Program on Sunday, February 16th at 3pm.
- Concord will have our Black History Program at 10am during morning worship on Sunday, February 23rd. Dr. Malachi Rodgers will be our guest minister.
- Youth Skate Fellowship will be Saturday, February 29th.
- Shining Stars Anniversary will be Sunday, March 1st at 3pm.
Please get all announcements to Jackie Sims or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address staff@cbcgaffney.org.
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!