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Church History

Concord Baptist Church was founded in the year 1872 by Rev. J. R. Ross and Pink Ross. The first church was a Brush Harbor, named “Siscross” by Sis. Elisa Morgan, and was located on one acre of land that was given to the church by Bro. Chester Morgan. A few years later, the church purchased an additional half acre of land from Bro. Morgan. The first Deacons of the church were Bro. Sam Lipscomb, Bro. Phillip Morgan, and Bro. George Morgan (Chairman) of the Deacon Board.

Rev. Riley Lipscomb succeeded Rev. J. R. Ross. The second church was built under his leadership. The building was a log cabin dubbed with mud. Many years later, under the leadership of Rev. Lipscomb, the third church was built and the name changed to Concord Baptist Church. As the church grew larger, Bro. James Manning, Bro. Robert Morgan, Bro. Giles Manning, Bro. William Camp Sr., and Bro. Walter Long (Chairman) were added to the board of Deacons.

In 1920, Rev. J. T. Williams succeeded Rev. Riley Lipscomb. Under the leadership of Rev. Williams, The church purchased two acres of land from William Phillips for $500.00. The first missionary society was organized in 1920 by Sis. G. L. McCree. The first Vocal and Spiritual Choirs were organized by Bro. Bon Camp and Bro. William Jolley. In 1926, Bro. Claude Jolley and Bro. Freeman Camp were ordained as deacons.

Rev. J.C. Tobin with Deacons & Trustees

On January 22, 1927, Rev. J. C. Tobin became pastor. Under the leadership of Rev. Tobin, the fourth church was built for $5,300. Rev. Tobin was pastor for nine years. Bro. Robert Manning, Bro. W. P. Moss, and Bro. William Camp were added to the deacon board. In 1935, Rev. Tobin was called from labor to reward. Over the following years, Concord was served by pastors Rev. James Dawkins, Rev. Irons, Rev. Dillard, and Rev. T. N. Moss.

In 1950, under the leadership of Rev. Moss, who served as pastor for nine years, the church was bricked, chairs were purchased for the choir stand, the ceiling was fixed, the inside was painted, the roof was replaced, electric lights and a baptism pool was installed. Because the church did not have running water, the men of the church had to bring the water from the well in buckets to fill the pool. Bro. Basil Hopper, Bro. Greeley Littlejohn, Bro. Jake Ellis and Bro. Grady Lindsay were ordained as deacons.

Rev. B. J. Leggin
Rev. B. J. Leggin

Rev. Tolbert served for three years before Rev. B. J. Leggins was elected as pastor in 1956. Under his leadership of four years, the church built a dining room, added two sets of steps, pulpit set, and a communion table. A well was dug and a water pump installed. Bro. Stanyard Oglesby, Bro. Fletcher Leach, and Bro. William Jolly were ordained as deacons.

Rev. E.H. Wood
Rev. E.H. Wood

In 1961, Rev. E. H. Wood was chosen and he served for twenty-two years. During his leadership, three education rooms, a pastor’s study, ladies lounge, two restrooms, a choir stand, running water, sinks, kitchen cabinets, heating and air conditioning were added to the church. The floors were refinished and the dining hall was repaired. The church purchased 5.9 acres of land. Nine deacons were ordained: Bro. Ed Ross, Bro. Bobby McDowell, Bro. Madison Watts, Bro. James Sarratt, Bro. Carl Ray Bridges, Bro. Benny F. Crosby, Bro. Herbert Leach, Bro. O.P. Rodgers, and Bro. Lyman Dawkins. On December 13, 1981 a new cornerstone was laid.

Rev. Andy Young
Rev. Andy Young

On February 27, 1982, Rev. Andy Young began his leadership. Under his leadership, the church began having services every Sunday morning. Three were called into the ministry: Rev. Frankie Ellis, Rev. Celina Lindsay and Rev. Vance Sarratt. Bro. B. Lewis Blanton, Bro. Lewis Vanlue, and Bro. Olee Mannings were added to the deacon board. The first Board of Trustees was organized. Seven trustees were commissioned: Bro. Gilbert Smith, Bro. Eddie Holmes, Bro. Preston Ross, Bro. Ernest Lindsay, Bro. Homer McGill, Bro. Leonard Houey, and Bro. Willie D. Sarratt. Four choirs were organized and the Young Adult Choir changed its name to The Andy Young Inspirationals. The YWA Missionary Circle was organized and the church united with the Union of Churches and the Thickety Mountain Baptist Association. A New Members Orientation Committee, tape and bus/van ministries were organized. The church was renovated adding two education rooms, a pastors’ study, four restrooms, a foyer in the font of the church, new windows, lighting and enlarging the dining area. The church purchased a copy machine, church bus, an organ and installed an intercom system. In 1986, the church purchased Morgan Manor and changed the name to Concord Acres. The facilities include over six acres, two dorms, cafeteria, parsonage, and swimming pool.

Rev. Albert Hillman
Rev. Albert Hillman

Rev. Celina Lindsay was the interim pastor from Feb 1994 until November 5, 1994 when Rev. Albert Hillman was elected as Pastor. Under Rev. Hillman, the church Constitution and By Laws were established and the church became incorporated and received official tax exempt status. Other improvements were made including updating office equipment, purchasing a new piano and additional land. Concord Acres was also paid off. Rev. Hillman resigned on January 7, 1996.

Rev. Frederick Gambrell
Rev. Frederick Gambrell

On April 20, 1996, Rev. Frederick Gambrell was elected pastor. Under his leadership, three new trustees were appointed: Bro. Darren Norris, Bro. Choice Leach, and Bro. James Littlejohn. Rev. Michael Bridges was ordained into the ministry. The Church service hours were changed to Sunday School 9:00 A.M. and Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Rev. Gambrell resigned June 14, 1998 and Rev. Michael Bridges was elected as interim pastor.

Dr. Michael A. Bridges
Dr. Michael A. Bridges

Dr. Michael A. Bridges was elected pastor on June 13, 1999. Two trustees were commissioned: Bro. Olee Holmes and Bro. Edward Byers. Under his leadership there has been tremendous growth spiritually, financially, in membership and in attendance. Mid-week bible study is held morning and evening. Two acres of land was purchased around the church in 2003 and three acres were given by Coach A. L. Curtis in 2004. By the grace of God and his outstanding leadership, Dr. Bridges led Concord to realize its dream of building a new church. The building we praise God in now is the fifth building. The ground breaking ceremony was February 22, 2004 and the first service was held on December 25, 2005. An eight-week summer camp for pre-school to high school began in 2009. On November 28, 2010 a church photo directory was completed and is now traditionally done every five years.

In October of 2011, Deacon Herbert Leach was honored as Deacon Emeritus and four deacons were ordained: Bro. Olee Holmes, Bro. Jackie Leach Sr., Bro James McGill Sr., and Bro. Shawn Mintz. Eight trustees were installed: Bro. Shannon Bonner, Bro. Leroy Dillard, Bro. Robert Jefferies, Bro. Raynard Dukes, Bro. James Hollis Jr, Bro. Robert Jeffries, Bro. Elvis Johnson, and Bro. Johnny Sarratt Jr.

Recognizing that technology could be leveraged as an important tool in ministry, the church began a journey to incorporate innovation into our worship and outreach ministries. A strong online presence through a website and social media pages were established in 2011, which included the ability to pay tithes and offerings electronically. In November 2013, a new media and projection system was installed within the sanctuary. Our summer camp and summer reading programs leveraged computers provided for educational and recreational uses. In August 2015, the Junior Missionary organized an annual back-to-school clothing drive where children-in-need in the community are not only provided with school supplies, but also essential personal hygiene products and a new pair of tennis shoes to start off the school year. The ministry continues serving as many as 300 children a year. In March of 2019, when faced with the shutdown related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the church was poised and able to adapt to continue meeting together virtually each Sunday and Wednesday through the church website, Facebook and YouTube without missing one service. In recent years, many improvements to the church campus have been made, including clearing land for cemetery expansion, building a garage for vans and equipment, and removing the steeple from the church.

Under Dr. Bridges, ministry has flourished where he has been fortunate and favored to preach locally, across the state of SC, and nationally from New Jersey to Louisiana. He has served as Moderator of Thickety Mountain Baptist Association (TMBA) and our church members hold several offices within the association. Concord supports the Baptist Education and Missionary Convention of South Carolina (BEMCSC), and Pastor Bridges was blessed to preach in the Convention while serving as Moderator. We also saw a move of God that led to several members answering the call to preach, seasoned ministers joining the pulpit, and several obediently moving to pastor at other churches. Rev. Roderick Oglesby Sr., Rev. J.J. Sarratt Jr., Rev. Ricky Sarratt, Rev. Reginald Littlejohn, Rev. Verlinda Mintz, Rev. Angelia Early, Min. Mae Frances Sarratt, Min. Loretta Holmes, Min. Terrence Gist, Min. Stephanie Tate, and Rev. Ron Williams served faithfully not only in the pulpit and spreading the gospel in the community, but in the various ministries of the church.

In November 2018, Deacons Carl Bridges and James Sarratt were honored as Deacon Emeritus. Under the chairmanship of Deacon Madison Watts and Trustee Shannon Bonner, eight deacons were ordained and fifteen trustees installed on Sunday, May 22, 2022. Deacons ordained include: Ray Brown, Bryant Cromwell, Raynard Dukes, Eugene Early, Darrin Norris, Earle Posey, Alvin Smith, and Herbert Vanlue. Trustees installed include: Darren Crosby, Andrew Flack, Douglas Giraudy, Darrell Good, Boyce Harris, Joe Leach, James Littlejohn Jr, Dennis Mintz, Harvey McSwain, TC Norris, Emilien Paul, Johnny Sarratt Sr, Tim Tate, Earl Vernon, and Anthony Wilson. Tony Gibbs and Steve Leach were honored posthumously. Since organizing in 1872, Concord Baptist Church has been blessed to have fourteen pastors, forty-five deacons, and forty trustees.

Glory to God that the church in 2024 continues to thrive and be able to work to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ through the work of 30 ministries that include the: Associate Ministers, Deacon Board, Deaconess, Trustee Board, Sanctuary Committee, Senior Missionary, Missionary #2, Young Womens Association, Junior Missionary, Senior and Junior Usher Boards, Audio/Visual Ministry, Musicians, Praise Team, Senior Gospel Choir, Mass Choir, All Male Choir, Shining Stars, Hospitality Committee, Health & Safety Committee, Security Committee, Traffic Committee, Sunday School, Little Blessing Nursery, Summer Camp, Praise Dancers, Food Committee, Grounds Committee, Transportation Committee, and the Cemetery Committee.  We continue to baptize, teach, pray for, listen, guide, encourage, train others for the work of the Lord.

We help and assist other churches and community groups when possible to make this world a better place.

Concord holds worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:00am and mid-week Bible Study on Wednesdays at 11:00am. More information and contact information is available at