Minister Mae Frances Sarratt is a Cherokee County, SC native. She is the fifth child of seven to the late Francis and Louise Manning Holmes. She has been married to Deacon Willie Dean Sarratt for forty- six years. They have a son, Pastor Rickie Dean Sarratt; daughter-in-love, Minister Timena; and granddaughters, Ambria and Asha Sarratt, of Gaffney, SC. They also have a daughter, Minster Adrienne Young; son-in-love, Minister Edward; and grandsons, Emanuel and Elisha Young, of Fort Mill, SC.
Minister Mae Frances Sarratt was licensed to preach the gospel on November 25, 2012. She serves as an associate minister at Concord Baptist Church, Gaffney, SC, under the leadership of Dr. Michael A. Bridges. She is as an adult Sunday School teacher and a member of the senior missionary. She is a workshop leader at women conferences and retreats. She is co-chair of the health division of Thickety Mountain Baptist Association. Minister Sarratt is a published author with her most recent writing, “Doing It Alone,” being included in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
Minister Sarratt was educated in Cherokee County Schools system, Gaffney, SC. She attended Cleveland County Tech, Shelby, NC, and became a Licensed Practical Nurse in 1971. She graduated from York Technical College in 1993 and became a Registered Nurse. She received her BS in Counseling and Human Services from Gardener Webb University, Boling Springs, NC 2003. She has worked in many areas of nursing and retired from the Cherokee County School District 2013.
Minister Sarratt works in the community as a board member for Cherokee County Know2, Application Council of Government for the Aging, and the Silver Haired Legislatures. She is a consultant and Outreach Professional for Cherokee County First Steps.
Minister Sarratt believes Jeremiah 29:13 is for everyone. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Minister Sarratt’s favorite song is “Falling in Love with Jesus is the Best Thing I’ve Ever Done.”