Believe? Believe. Believe!
Many times as we go through life, we know we need help, but we refuse to ask, go to the wrong people, or completely run from our help altogether. Our breakthroughs start with our belief and Jesus will do the rest! If you can believe in Him, all things are possible! Matthew 9:27-31
We welcome you to join us for morning worship next Sunday at 10am. For CDs or DVDs call Nathaniel Sarratt at (864) 490-2352. Have a great week!!
Announcements for this week:
- Please submit suggestions for topics for the marriage ministry In the box in the lobby.
- All are invited to Green Bethel this afternoon at 3pm for their Annual Men’s Day program. Rev. Julian Thompson will be the guest preacher.
- Senior Missionary will meet at the church Tuesday at 3pm.
- Senior Gospel Choir will practice Thursday at 5:30pm.
- Next Sunday is Trustee Day. Please wear green and yellow in memory of the late Trustee Steve Leach. The Trustees will be in charge of morning worship.
- The AKAs are sponsoring an infant and toddler clothing drive through Nov 2. Please see Sis. Sherrian Ellis to donate. They need 3 months to 2T.
- Fall festival will be Wednesday, Oct. 30th from 6-8pm.
Please get all announcements to Jackie Sims or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!