Church News
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150th Anniversary Directory/Souvenir Booklet Info
March 13, 2022 Greetings! What a joy it is to announce the celebration service of the anniversary of our church’s founding! We feel honored and greatly blessed by this accomplishment as we embark on such a momentous occasion. Consider this your invitation to celebrate with us for our Church’s 150th Anniversary! It’s amazing to think […]

Youth Connection (March 2022)
We are so excited to announce that we are opening back up for more activities and we can’t wait to spend time with all of our youth! We have missed all of the children terribly, but we understand the urgency to keep all of our members safe and we are so grateful that God has […]
Welcome Back!
Greetings! Oh how we have missed all of the beautiful faces of our church family and friends. We are so excited to be able to physically come back into the house of the Lord to worship together once again. Due to the present pandemic, we still have to take some precautions and we want to […]
Free Drive-thru COVID-19 Testing
All are welcome to take advantage of the Free mobile Testing clinic being offered at Concord this Saturday from 10am- 1pm courtesy of Dr. Connie Stewart, SCDHEC, the TMBA and Concord Baptist Church.You will stay in your car. Please follow the directions of our traffic committee. We love you all. Be safe!