Happy Father’s Day!
What a beautiful day to honor our fathers in the church today. They did an awesome job leading worship service and we are honored and grateful for their presence and godly influence! Pastor Bridges brought the Word on “Honoring Fatherhood and Motherhood” (Exodus 20:12) We may come out in the image of our earthly mothers and fathers, but when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior others are able to see us as a child of God. God is not only the father to the fatherless, but a father to us all. He loves and cares for each and every one. If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
The announcements for today if you missed them:
- There will not be any morning or evening Bible Study this week.
- The Know2 Summer Reading program continues to meet every Wednesday from 4pm – 6pm for preschoolers and children needing Reading assistance. If your child or loved one would like to sign up, please contact Sis. Dorothy Petty
- The Junior missionary is sponsoring a back-to-school clothing drive. All church members are asked to bring gently used clothing, shoes, and coats to go to our local area youth. Collection boxes will be in the lobby. Monetary and donations accepted as well. Please see any of the advisors to contribute. Sis. Tecora Watts, Senior Advisor.
- The Senior Missionary will meet at Sis. Lillie Jones home this Tuesday at 3pm.
- There will be a subcontractor event this Wednesday, June 22nd at 10am – 12 noon at the Holiday Inn Express on Sha Road in Spartanburg. Please RSVP to jerry.robinson@blytheconstruction.com or (704) 375 – 8474.
- The All Male Choir will practice this Thursday at 7pm
- The YWAs are sponsoring a trip to the Atlanta Flea Market, Saturday, June 25th. The vans will be leaving the church at 7am. A Sign up list is in the lobby. Please contact sis. Felicia Galmer for questions.
- All are invited out to the 4th annual Transformation Conference at Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church June 24TH AND 25TH with key speakers Pastor Kimberly Moore and an empowerment service and luncheon on Saturday with Dr. C. Dennis Rector. Saturday’s luncheon has a $25 registration fee.
- All are invited out to the New Anointed 5th Anniversary Celebration at Piney Grove on Sunday, June 26th at 5pm. Featuring the Scott Sisters, 2gether of Spartanburg, Steve Allen and the Fellas and Rev Matthew Mickens and the New Highway Travelers. Free Admission.
- Hermon Presbyterian Church would like to cordially invite you to our anniversary celebration on Saturday, June 25, 2016 from 11 am – 3 pm. We have several activities and games planned throughout the day. We would be honored if your choir or group would attend and minister with us through song, dance, mime, spoken word, etc. We ask that you prepare 15 minutes of praise to assist us during the day. Please contact our Minister of Music, Jennifer Ancrum, at 803-318-2759 or jdancrum@yahoo.com by Wednesday, June 22, 2016 to sign up for an available time slot.
If you are able, we also invite you to join us at 11 am on Sunday, June 26, 2016 for our Friends & Family Day morning worship experience. - Concord is holding it’s annual Vacation Bible School June 27th – 30th from 6pm-8pm nightly.Everyone is encouraged to come out and bring a friend!
- The Junior and Senior Ushers will meet Saturday, July 9th at 10am.
Please get all announcements to Jackie Sims or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address staff@cbcgaffney.org.
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!