Moving to the Next Level of Worship
Don’t become complacent where you are in your walk with Christ. In John 4:20-24, we see the true worshippers stepping up to the next level of worship and into the next level of relationship with Him. When you take it to the next level, the devil will attack, but don’t give up! Watch what God has in store for you! For CDs or DVDs call Nathaniel Sarratt at (864) 490-2352. Have a great week!!
The announcements for this week:
- All are invited to Flat Ruff Baptist Church for their Homecoming service, Sunday, Aug 5th at 3pm. Dr. Bridges will deliver the afternoon message. Vans will be leaving the church at 12:30 pm.
- No Bible Study this month. All are encouraged to attend revival services this month.
- Revivals this week: Mt. Sinai (Mass Choir), Gethsemane (All Male Chorus) and White Plains (Senior Gospel Choir).
- Funeral services for Mrs. Christine Thompson will be this Thursday at 2pm here at the church.
- The Senior Gospel Choir will practice this Thursday at 5:30pm.
- Free Kids Fest on Tuesday, August 7th from 6pm – 8pm at the Cherokee County Administration building.
- Back-to-school bash on Saturday, August 11th from 12noon – 4pm at Gaffney High School Track. There will be inspirational speakers, free food, games, prizes and school supplies.
- The Junior Missionary 3rd Annual Back-to-School outreach will be Saturday, Aug 18th at Limestone Courts. If you have a child with a need, please see an advisor or Pastor Bridges today. Donations welcome. See a Jr Missionary advisor if you would like to contribute in any way with school supplies, personal hygiene products, or monetary donations.
- Youngs Grove Homecoming and Revival Services will be August 19-22.
- Cherokee County Family Reunion day will be Sept 29th 11am – 5pm at Love Field.
Please get all announcements to Jackie Sims or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!