Move Forward
What an awesome God we serve! We thank Him for safe travels for those who went with Rev. Bridges to Lake City, SC this morning and for all the saints who came ready to praise the Lord this morning. May God bless and keep the members of the family reunion who chose to come and worship with us this morning. Reverend Angelia Early encouraged us to press on in the sermon “You Can’t Move Forward with an Egypt Mentality” (Exodus 14:1-5) Renew your way of thinking, God has already freed us from the bondage of sin! Don’t be your own worst enemy and hold yourself back from what He has for you. Once you get to moving, don’t look back and know that God is always with you! If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
The announcements for today if you missed them:
- If you have time this week, please come out and support our Concord youth playing in the GBO summer basketball league at Gaffney Middle School. Concord teams play as follows:
5K – 2nd Grade Boys Mon & Tues at 5:30p, 3rd-5th Grade Boys Thursday at 7:30p & Friday at 6:30pm, and the 3rd-5th Grade Girls Play Thursday at 8pm. We do have kids that are on other teams as well so feel free to come out and support all the kids and the GBO any evening. - July 13-17~ the SC Baptist Sunday School Congress will be held in Mauldin, SC.
- Concord is holding it’s annual Vacation Bible School July 13-16 from 6pm-8pm nightly. Everyone is encouraged to come out and bring a friend!
- July 18-19~ Dr. Kenneth Mitchem and the St. Mark AME Church family of Orange, NJ will be our special guest for Unity Day Weekend.
- Fun Day will be held Saturday, July 18th from 3 – 5 pm at the Family Life center. Everyone is encouraged to fellowship with each other and the St. Mark Church Family from New Jersey.
- The YWAs will meet this Saturday at 11am. New members are welcome. Felicia Galmer, President.
- The Cherokee County Ministerial Alliance is offering two scholarships to use toward book purchases for high school seniors or college students. Submit a 500 word essay by Sunday, June 19th. Click for more information.
- Wednesday, July 22nd at 7pm, Pastor Bridges will preach the revival service at Friendship Baptist Church in Spartanburg. Additional speakers for the week’s revival include: Sunday at 3pm – Rev. George W. Shell, Jr., Monday at 7pm – Rev. Telley Lynnette Gadson and Tuesday at 7pm – Rev. William B. Wiggins, II.
- July 26th ~ Women’s Day will be held during morning worship service.
Please get all announcements to Jackie Vanlue or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!