The Guide For God’s Children
Our children did a fantastic job in charge of morning worship this morning! It was such a blessing to be visited by youth from the Giving Back Organization basketball teams. Dr. Bridges talked about “The Guide For God’s Children” (Exodus 20:1-17). If we will study and stay in tune with the Word of God, He has given us all of the tools we need to live a blessed life. We have to be careful to teach and follow His commandments and to love God for who He is. We are ultimately responsible for our youth’s future! If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
The announcements for this week:
- We will have morning Bible Study, but not evening Bible study this Wednesday.
- Today, all are invited to Mt. Calvary Baptist Church to help celebrate their church anniversary. Dr. Bridges will deliver the afternoon message.
- Appalachian Council of Governments offers many programs to assist those in need:
- Family Caregiver Program
- State Health Insurance Program & Medicare Fraud
- Education & Employment programs
- Prescription & Medical Equipment Assistance
- Home repairs, etc
See Min. Mae Frances Sarratt or call (864) 242-9733 for info
- Church Clean Up Day – Tuesday, August 1st at 9am. Anyone desiring to come assist with the church annual Clean Up Day are asked to come out to help in preparation for the church for Homecoming and Revival services.
- Free Community Worship Event – August 3rd, 2017 from 6:30 to 8:30pm at Fullerton Auditorium, Limestone College. Featuring Limestone Baptist Choir, WEB Band (West End Baptist), Triumphant Praise Ministries Community Choir, and Truth (First Baptist Gaffney). Come sing along with choirs and praise bands from some of Miracle Hill’s supporting churches as we offer thanksgiving and praise to our God for what He is doing through the work of Miracle Hill Rescue Mission—Cherokee County!
- You are cordially invited to the Four Gospel service to be held on Saturday, August 5th at 5pm at Trinity AME Church of Blacksburg. There will be four preachers that will bring the Word of God. Our very own, Minister Verlinda Mintz, will be one of the evening speakers. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support.
- The Junior Missionary will be repeating their Back-to-School outreach for those in need in our community this August 12th. We appreciate any gently used or new clothing donations be dropped off in any of the collection containers in the lobbies. Thank you for your support! The Advisors.
- Homecoming will be Sunday, August 13th
- Concord Baptist Church Revival services will be Monday, August 14th – Wednesday, August 16th at 7pm nightly. Monday night speaker will be Dr. Kerwin Wray (Gaffney, SC), Tuesday night will be Dr. Kevin Russell Shepherd (Irmo, SC), and Wednesday will be Rev. William Wiggins (Spartanburg, SC).
- Please get all announcements to Jackie Sims or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!