You Have To Win the War
Whatever it is, it won’t let you hold your peace? We know what it is! God is so magnificent and His love and mercies so good that you just can’t hold it in! Just when we start to get weary, we remember what He’s brought us through and we are energized to keep going on! Keep going! “You Have to Win the War” 2 Timothy 2:1-4. Thank you to all of our veterans for your service to God and our country! We love you and thank our God for you!
We welcome you to join us for morning worship next Sunday at 10am. For CDs or DVDs call Nathaniel Sarratt at (864) 490-2352. Have a great week!!
Announcements for this week:
- Please submit your suggestions for topics for the marriage ministry In the box in the lobby.
- Volunteers are needed for the golf cart ministry. Please see Trustee Herbert Vanlue or Deacon B. Lewis Blanton if you are interested.
- The Senior Ushers and the Anniversary committee will meet immediately after morning worship today.
- The Hospitality Committee, YWAs, and Safety Committee will meet immediately after church next Sunday to elect officers.
- Rev. Troy Gaffney and the Gethsemane Baptist Church will celebrate their Pastoral anniversary on next Sunday, Nov 17th at 3pm. Dr. Bridges will deliver the morning message and the all male choir will render songs of praise. Dinner will be served.
- Missionary #2 Pre-Thanksgiving Worship will be Wednesday, Nov 20th at 6pm. Rev. C.A. Wallace and Mt. Sinai will be our special guests for the occasion.
- We will be celebrating the 147th Anniversary of our church on Sunday, November 24th during morning worship.
- All ministries are asked to please get your new officers for 2020 in to Deacon Shawn Mintz by December 1st. Thank you!
Please get all announcements to Jackie Sims or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!