March 13, 2022
Greetings! What a joy it is to announce the celebration service of the anniversary of our church’s founding! We feel honored and greatly blessed by this accomplishment as we embark on such a momentous occasion. Consider this your invitation to celebrate with us for our Church’s 150th Anniversary!
It’s amazing to think about, but it was 150 years ago that a small group of people gathered together with the desire to plant a church to have an impact on their community. Little did they realize what would take place, but I’m sure they dreamed a bit about the possibilities, aren’t you?
There was a time in the Old Testament when the temple was being rebuilt and the statement was given that went like this: “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin!” (Zechariah 4:10a (NLT)) With any great work, there will always be some level of opposition, especially when it comes to the work of God! We may never know the struggles it took to get this fledgling work off the ground, but one thing we do know, it DID indeed get off the ground and continues to have an impact to this day on our community, and yes, even the world through our mission work.
We are looking forward to a spirit filled worship celebration to be held on Sunday, November 27, 2022. More details about the service will be announced closer to the date. Due to the significance of the occasion, we have started planning early and have a number of activities that you can be a part of this year to make this a magnificent and memorable celebration of God and His glory.
One way you can contribute in our celebration is by being a part of our Sesquicentennial (150th) Souvenir Book. This year’s book will be a combined photo directory of the current members of the church and a souvenir booklet that documents our rich history and helps us commemorate our past, present and future so that the generations to come might know.
Church Photo Directory (Members)
It is our prayer that all members will join us in creating a lifetime memory through having your family photographed for the church directory. As in years past, Deacon B. Lewis Blanton will be setting up photography appointments for families and all church ministries the week of June 24-26, 2022. Each family is asked to contribute $10 for the sitting fee. Please watch for announcements for more information and contact Deacon Blanton (864-490-0740) for questions and to schedule your appointment.
Church History and Commemorative Ads (Members, Friends, and Community Partners)
If you have information or pictures from the past, we ask that you reach out to Jackie Bridges (864-425-2033) or email to share that information to be included in the church and ministry histories as soon as possible.
We also invite our members, friends, and community partners to participate by sponsoring an ad or ads in our Sesquicentennial (150th) Souvenir Book. Ads can share congratulations, memorialize a loved one or past member, advertise your business, or simply sow a seed and share a word of encouragement to help us continue the work for Christ that we do. To be sure to be included, we ask that you please submit your ad(s) and donation no later than Sunday, June 26, 2022. Our deadline is firm to ensure we have time to produce a spectacular memento. Linked below for your convenience is an Advertising Specifications Form. Feel free to contact Jackie Bridges to answer questions or for more information.
We look forward to a favorable response in this exciting time in history for our church, and again we welcome you to join us for this memorable occasion. We are so grateful for the love that you have and will show to our church family!
With humble gratitude,
The CBC 150th Anniversary Booklet Contacts
Deacon B. Lewis Blanton, Kym Mitchell & Jackie Bridges