We are one body
How excellent to come together to glorify God as one body in Christ. We are thankful for the Leach family reunion and the Cherokee Creek Baptist Church for joining us in worship service this morning. Rev. Josh Oliver preached about “The Whole Matter of Life” (Ephesians 2:1-10 KJV). Each and every one of us were created for a specific purpose – good works! Remember to do all you do for God. Stay humble and keep your focus on the creator and not the created. Don’t be discouraged by our brokenness and sin. Trust God! He is able to heal and use each and everyone for His divine purpose. If you don’t have a church home, we welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10am to see for yourself what God can do!
The announcements for this week:
- We will not have morning or evening Bible study this Wednesday.
- The Senior Missionary will meet at Sis Bernice McGill’s Home on Tuesday, July 18th at 3pm.
- Clinton Chapel AME Zion Church invites everyone to their revival this week, Mon – Thursay at 7pm nightly. Rev. Bridges will be the revivalist.
- The Senior Gospel Choir will go to Piney Grove on Wednesday night.
- All who are going on the Missionary Fellowship shopping trip are asked to meet at the church at 6:30am. The Charter Bus will be leaving the church at 7:00am returning around 9:30 pm. See Min. Mintz, Sis. Felicia Galmer and Sis. Mary Ann Jolly for questions.
- On Saturday, July 22 the Senior Ushers will meet at 10am.
- Sunday, July 23rd is Women’s Day. Min. Verlinda Mintz will deliver the morning message. All women are asked to wear white and in addition to your tithes and offerings, please bring a special offering of $5.
- Sunday, July 23rd at 4pm, our church family is invited to Harrison Grove Baptist Church. Dr. Bridges will be the guest messenger for the occasion. The ushers are asked to go to assist.
- Sunday, July 30th is Youth Day. Any youth desiring to participate in the program are asked to see Sis. Annette Smith or Min. Stephanie Tate. Please bring any achievements and give to Shari Byers on that day.
- Sunday, July 30th – the church family is invited to Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Anniversary. Dr. Bridges will deliver the afternoon message.
- The Junior Missionary will be repeating their Back-to-School outreach for those in need in our community this August 12th. We appreciate any gently used or new clothing donations be dropped off in any of the collection containers in the lobbies. Thank you for your support! The Advisors.
- Please get all announcements to Jackie Sims or Jackie Bridges by Wednesday each week. You may call, text, use the website contact form, or email address staff@cbcgaffney.org.
Please remember to visit and pray for our sick and shut-ins.
May the Lord God Bless You Real Good!